Buying and Selling of Stamps for the Philatelic community, hosted by the leader in stamp publications, Linn's Stamp News.

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  Terms of
No minimum, however orders in the U.S and Canada under $10 will be charged a $2.00 minimum Postage and Handling fee. Elsewhere, for orders under $10, the minimum will be $3.00.

Orders usually shipped within 5 business days. For customers not using credit card, allow 10 business days for check clearance before order shipment.
Georgia residents include 7% sales tax.

Order over $50.00 will receive a 5% discount. In addition, Customer Loyalty discounts are available. When your total purchases reach the listed amount the listed discount will apply to any order over US$10:

$200 - 2%
$350 - 4%
$500 - 6%

ATTENTION CREDIT CARD USERS - if your ship to address is different from your cc bill to address, please enter your bill to in the "remarks to dealer" section. Thank you.

To see and shop for recently added items, enter *** new *** in the keyword field.

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Cash (US$),Money Order (US$),Check (US$),MNH US at face (1/2 of order), International Money Order (US$)
Actual shipping charges will apply, see sales terms for Minimum.
We will use commemoratives or high value commemoratives on all mailings.
We will reply to you via email indicating the order total including shipping.

Shipment to US over $35 shipped insured. If declined, shipment is at buyer risk.

Shipments outside US over $50 shipped registered. If declined, shipment is at buyer risk.
USPS (we will use commemoratives or High Value definitives on all shipments)
  Contact: Buddy J Collins
  Address: P O Box 85
    Mineral Bluff, GA 305590085 United States
  Phone: 706-509-8679
  Fax: N/A
  Specialties Topicals & Worldwide - US, US Used, Canada, France, Monaco, Topicals
  Societies APS, ATA, Ga Stamp Dealers Assoc

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