Buying and Selling of Stamps for the Philatelic community, hosted by the leader in stamp publications, Linn's Stamp News.

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Terms of sale: Minimum order is $25 .All orders as received can be returned for exchange or credit within 20 days.
Items shipped following receipt of payment. Florida residents add 7 percent for sales tax. NOTE Paypal cannot be used for the purchase of stamps from Cuba (Castro era) and NORTH KOREA.
Payment Methods: Paypal, Check drawn on US banks accepted, Money order
Shipping Terms: US - $1.50 postage and handling for most domestic orders. Larger envelopes may have higher shipping costs .FREE SHIPPING AND HANDLING ON ORDERS OVER $100. I will e-mail you to verify availability and the total payment amount. All orders are shipped promptly.
Insurance or registration - extra.
Foreign - Based on weight and value.
Ship Via: USPS


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covers lots/collections proofs
specimens postal history cancellations
first-day covers essays plate blocks
Postal Stationery state duck stamps blocks of 4
German Occupation meter stamps  

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