Buying and Selling of Stamps for the Philatelic community, hosted by the leader in stamp publications, Linn's Stamp News.

ZoS Search Screen

The following fields are on the ZoS search screen. Remember, the more fields you define, the narrower your search will be, and more likely the result set will more closely match what you are looking for.

Country Field

If you are searching for an item(s) from a particular country, select the country from the drop down; if you want to search all countries then select "Any."

Catalog Field

If you want to search for items associated with a particular Catalog, select the catalog from the drop down menu. Select "Any" to search for all Catalogs

Catalog Number Field

Enter the catalog number you are searching for. To search for a range put the start of the range in the first field and the end of the range in the second one. If you are searching for new issues then check new issues.

Condition Field

Check mark either mint or used if you want to narrow your search by condition.

Grade Field

Enter any particular grade you are searching for. Please use the industry standards when searching for a particular grade.


Category Field

Check mark any category(ies) you want to search for. The more categories you check, the fewer results you will see. You may leave all categories unchecked.

US$ Price Field

Enter the minimum value and maximum value of the items that you are searching for leave blank to search for all dollar values

Order Results By Radio Button

Selecting one of these options will sort your search results as follows: Newest: most recent inventory added will be listed first; Lowest Price: items will be listed in price order, beginning with the lowest priced items; Highest Price: items will be listed in price order, beginning with the higest priced items.

Results Per page Field

Select the number of results you want to appear on each page

Keywords Field

Enter any keywords you would like to search for. This may be a topical, or any other word or words you want to narrow your search by. If the keyword appears in the description or keyword field it will return in the search results.

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